Phishing Activity: Key Statistics
Quarter over Quarter comparison:
May 1, 2022 - July 31, 2022

Each reporting period, we analyze URLs, domain names, and IP addresses reported for phishing. We use these and other metadata – domain and IP address registration data, ICANN registry and registrar monthly reports, routing data, attack type, and other indicators – to report key statistics for each reporting period.

A comparison of key statistics appears in the table below.

Measurement February to April 2022 May to July 2022 Change
Total number of phishing reports collected from feeds (per quarter) 1,432,600 1,524,800 92,200
Total number of phishing attacks 303,348 404,914 101,566
Unique domain names reported for phishing 223,324 248,414 25,090
Maliciously registered phishing domains 147,036 163,157 16,121
Top-level Domains where phishing domains were reported 519 561 42
gTLD Registrars with domains under management reported for phishing 453 502 49
All Registrars with domains under management reported for phishing 1,063 1,191 128
Hosting Networks where phishing web sites were reported 2,617 2,483 -134
Brands targeted in phishing attacks 1,254 1,448 194